Tread Lightly – Drunk Monkeys Issue #5.9

“Winter is never a good time to start a business. The sentiment toward new ventures in the colder months, financial or otherwise, is typically one of wanton apathy. Probably due to old survival instincts kicking in: the desire to avoid jeopardising what is already good by undertaking the inessential in harsher climes. It’s like a Neanderthal deciding to leave the family cave to hunt a sabre-toothed tiger during the Ice-Age, when he still has perfectly good mammoth in his pantry to hunker down on—you just don’t do it.

Michael Stevenson, a pretty much ordinary man from Little Shale, Arkansas, had never heard that particular strained analogy or any others like it before though, so he decided to go ahead and do just that.”


bear hug - issue #1


gabilan – fishfood magazine